DuPont plans to bring specialized soybean seeds to market by 2009
DuPont Co. announced plans to bring seeds with high oleic soybean traits to market by 2009. These specialized soybean seeds are different from DuPont’s low oleic soybeans, which are already on the market, because the oil from the seeds is more chemically stable and has improved features that make it better for heavy-duty frying and appropriate as a potential substitute for petroleum-based lubricants. DuPont develops seeds through its Pioneer Hi-Bred International subsidiary. These seeds are sold to farmers who then must sell their soybean crop to another DuPont business partner, Bunge Ltd., which processes them into oil. DuPont officials said in December that they have completed its submission to U.S. regulatory agencies for approval of the high oleic soybean trait. The company needs government approval before it can commercialize the seed. (December 28, 2006)