Customs agents raid Pampanga gas station

Philippine Bureau of Customs (BOC) agents in February raided a gasoline station in Remedios, Lubao, Pampanga suspected to be selling gasoline illegally diverted from the freeports. After conducting random tests, the BOC’s investigation unit found that the products being sold by JLV-Asia gasoline station were positive of dye substance. The bureau, however, still has to investigate the source of the illicit products, as its objective is to find out how dealers diverted the shipment intended for duty-free zones. The BOC has tapped the Petroleum Institute of the Philippines to determine the actual volume of “underground” fuel stocks. Bureau figures post initial estimates at 60,000 to 100,000 liters of diesel priced at Php23 (US$0.48) per liter. (March 2, 2009)