CMA to debut farm, OTR, fuel-efficient truck tires
China Manufacturers Alliance L.L.C. (CMA) is stepping up its presence in the off-road sector with plans to launch a 57-inch Double Coin radial OTR tire line later this summer and to offer a line of Double Coin radial farm tires starting next year. The first tires came out of that plant about two months ago, the company said, and have been undergoing field testing since. DCH General Manager Chun Chen Yue said the company is evaluating the need for a 63-inch OTR radial, but a decision is not expected before next year. The farm tires also will come from the Shanghai plant, where DCH in the past year installed capacity for the farm lines. DCH also brought on stream in the past year its third tire plant, for truck/bus radials in Chingqing, but that unit is dedicated to the domestic market, Mr. Yue said. DCH achieved the improvement in rolling resistance through new tread compounding and lightening the tire by using an enhanced tensile-strength steel cord, the company said. Regarding wide-base single truck tires, DCH makes one that’s sold in Europe, but CMA has no plans short-term to offer it in North America. (June 22, 2009)