China Zhongwang to expand into processed aluminum products
China Zhongwang Holdings Limited, a producer of industrial aluminum extrusion products, announced that it will proceed with its capacity expansion as planned. “Our development plans and strategies will remain unchanged despite the U.S. anti-dumping and countervailing duties investigations,” said Vincent Cheung, CFO. China Zhongwang operated 73 world leading aluminum extrusion production lines, including a set of the world’s largest and most advanced 125 MN oil-driven dual action extrusion press by the end of 2010. Three more production lines of the same scale will be added in the next two years. Such expansion will outstrip other market players and put China Zhongwang at the industry forefront. Back in 2003, China Zhongwang mainly produced aluminum extrusion products, such as door and window frames for construction use. Today, it is one of the few producers of large-section industrial aluminum extrusion products for use in the transportation, machinery and equipment, and electricity engineering sectors. To further increase its capabilities in producing high-end and processed products, China Zhongwang has invested in 18 sets of large-scale presses, ranging from 75MN to 125MN, to be installed in the coming two years. China Zhongwang’s plan is to increase its production capacity from the current 640 kilotons at year-end 2010 to 1 million tons by year-end 2014. The company plans to hone its smelting and die design strengths so that it can move into processed aluminum products in finished or semi-finished forms. The company has already completed the construction of a high-speed train compartment workshop, designed to produce high-speed train compartments that have been welded and processed. (July 7, 2011)