Caltex Australia signs ethanol pact with Dalby

Caltex Australia has signed an agreement to buy at least 90 million liters of ethanol from the planned Dalby Bio-Refinery Limited plant in the eastern state of Queensland, the company said on May 22. “Caltex’s supply contract is a sign of confidence in the Dalby project and proof of our commitment to the development of ethanol blend petrol,” said Caltex Australia Managing Director and CEO Des King. “It is our first large-scale contract for supply of ethanol from a plant yet to be constructed,” he added. The Dalby plant is expected to produce a full capacity of more than 80 million liters per year of biofuels by 2010, which would represent around 2% of the current transport fuel. The plant will require at least 205,000 metric tons per year of grain for feedstock. (May 23, 2007)