Byco Petroleum Pakistan launches 172th retail outlet

So far 172 retail outlets have been set-up, primarily focusing on retail segment and PMB is now expanding the canvas by targeting to become a dominant player in the industrial, international and retail segments. Going forward, PMB will be increasing its product portfolio by adding LPG and lubricants as well. A couple more of its projects include a Sub-sea Pipeline, for which the company came into an agreement with the Coastal Refinery Limited (CRL) to install the first Single Point Mooring (SPM) facility  in deep part of the Arabian Sea.CRL shoulders installing the SPM and the Company (Byco) takes on installing the Sub-sea PLEM and laying of the Sub-sea. The second is the Penex-Molex Isomerization unit.  It is for the purpose of converting and upgrading Light Naphtha into Gasoline for a more environment-friendly product. (January 10, 2011)