BPS adopts 432 new product standards

The Philippine National Standards (PNS), documents established through industry technical committees via consensus, and approved by the Bureau of Product Standards (BPS), set guidelines and quality standards for product use. In 2010, 432 new PNS standards were accepted for inclusion by BPS. Cirila Botor, director of BPS, states, “There are 7, 310 ready PNS at the BPS Standard Data Center and almost 79% of these are aligned to the international standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Electrochemical Commission (IEC), and the Codex Alementarius (Code).” PNS standards are developed for a variety of products and applications. In the first quarter of 2010, PNS standards were developed and adopted on a myriad of products such as school furniture, textiles, corn snacks, cassava chips, storage and handling of diesel fuel, information technology, ergonomics, adhesives, risk management and iron ores. (February 27, 2011)