BORL offers first product to the domestic market
Bharat Oman Refineries Ltd. (BORL) located in Bina, India, started offering its first product, petroleum coke, for sale to the domestic market, according to the company website. The company, which recently started commercial production, is currently commissioning its secondary units one at a time. The first offer is for 4,000 metric tons (MT) of petroleum coke for prompt loading on an ex-BORL refinery basis. This offer is understood to be a trial cargo for the domestic market and will be transported either through trucks or dampers. A regular supply of petroleum coke is expected to average 40,000 MT each month. April should see the first supply of gasoline and gas oil to the domestic market from the refinery. Bharat Petroleum Corp. owns a 49% stake in BORL, while Oman Oil Company has a 26% stake. (March 4, 2011)