Biofuel target should be 5% by 2010

Western Australi’as (WA) Biofuels taskforce has recommended a target of 5% biofuel consumption by 2010, switching to a mandate by 2011 if the 2010 target is not achieved. Releasing the taskforce’s final report, Minister for Agriculture and Food Kim Chance said WA has the capacity to develop a sustainable biofuels industry. The taskforce was convened in February 2006 to assess the key opportunities and impediments to developing a biofuels industry in WA. Among the report’s 24 key recommendations was for government to provide start-up support for biofuel production facilities, particularly smaller scale projects in regional areas, and to provide market leadership and market signals by adopting biodiesel and ethanol in government fuel contracts. The taskforce also recommended incentives for the take-up of biofuels by consumers, including the reduction of stamp duty and vehicle registrations for low emission vehicles, in addition to public education and information programs. (May 9, 2007)