Beijing continues subsidy for scrapping old heavy diesel vehicles

An official of the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau said that the city will continue to subsidize the scrapping of old, heavy diesel engines amidst growing concerns over the pollution in Beijing. Early this year, citizens and businesses in the city will receive a subsidy from the government; Zang Yuanwei, director of the bureau’s vehicle management department, said that owners of aging heavy diesel vehicles will receive CNY2,500 to 14,500 (US$397 to 2,301). Aside from this, they will receive an additional “award” from carmakers when they purchase a new vehicle under the “aging car transaction platform,” ranging from CNY2,000 to 10,000 (US$314.43 to 1,572.18). The government classifies vehicles that have been in service for six or more years as “aging.” An estimated 5% of Beijing’s vehicles run on diesel fuel, but statistics from the bureau show that these vehicles are responsible for 46% of all nitrogen oxide and 96% of particle matters emitted by vehicles in the city. (May 4, 2012)