Argentina authorizes two companies to produce bioethanol

Argentina has authorized two companies to produce bioethanol which will be used in fuel admixtures. Bahía Energías Renovables was awarded a production quota of 100,000 m3/y beginning in January 2014, and Agroctanos will add another 19,000 m3/y in January 2014 to reach total production of 83,000 m3/y. The resolution issued by the government included quotas for other biofuel companies in Argentina. Among the companies are Compañía Bioenergética La Florida, Bio 4, Vicentín, Bioledesma and Alconoa. In total, the quantity of biodiesel authorized for production in May 2013 is 50,888 m3, up from the quota of 17,043 m3 given for January 2012. (January 30, 2012)