AMCHAM panel to boost renewal energy usage
The American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (Amcham) has set up the Malaysian Alternative and Renewable Industry Committee (MARI). Amcham said it set up MARI in recognition of the strategic importance of the renewable energy sector to Malaysia’s future economic growth. In a statement, Amcham said the committee would represent the industry’s interests and would work with the Malaysian government in support of a national renewable energy and to develop industries that produce alternative energy-related products and services. Amcham president, Karen Albertson, said greater efforts must be undertaken to encourage the consumption of renewable resources, such as solar, wind, biofuel and hydro for electricity generation in Malaysia. “The committee will work closely with the government and be the industry adviser on alternative energy policy development, provide constructive feedback and recommendations on industry concerns to the Malaysian government,” she said. MARI’s primary objective will be to represent members operating in the renewable energy industry, by providing a platform for them to develop greater awareness of the industry and its needs. (March 17, 2009)