Infineum sheds light on PC-11 with series of new videos
Infineum, one of the world’s leading formulators and manufacturers of fuel and lubricant additives, has released a series of new videos dedicated to PC-11 – the new North American performance category for heavy-duty diesel engine oils.
Hosted on Infineum’s online educational PC-11 hub, the videos provide insights from the company’s top PC-11 experts, addressing a host of common end-user questions, such as whether fuel economy compromises engine durability and the impact new engine hardware has on PC-11 oils.
“These have been the most complex category developments in the history of our industry,” said Steve Haffner, North American market manager, Infineum USA, L.P. “To associate fuel efficiency with corresponding performance levels, the category has been split into two separate subcategories – API CK-4, which allows full backward serviceability and a minimum 3.5 cP HTHS; and API FA-4, which provides fuel efficiency benefits while maintaining durability, and is not backward serviceable (HTHS 2.9-3.2cP).”
“End-user education will be very important to avoid misapplication, especially as not all diesel OEMs may recommend API FA-4. Infineum has more than 100 million miles of field experience and have developed these videos to help ensure that, come December 1st, end users can make informed decisions concerning the use and benefits of these new oils.”
Other subjects covered on Infineum’s PC-11 web hub include the drivers for PC-11 and Infineum’s perspective on PC-11. The full Infineum PC-11 site can be viewed at: