Gen III and Koch Project Solutions announce partnership
Gen III Oil Corporation has engaged Koch Project Solutions, LLC to provide project execution management services leading up to turnkey delivery of its new re-refinery in the U.S. Gulf Coast (USGC). KPS will lead Gen III’s world class engineering, construction and licensed vendor teams (PCL Industrial Construction Ltd., Koch Modular Process Systems and Process Dynamics Inc.) through the completion of detailed design, construction, commissioning, and start up.
Phase 1 of the KPS engagement is already under way.
The USGC re-refinery is one of three North American projects currently being advanced by Gen. Gen III’s USGC facility will clean and process more than 78 million U.S. gallons of used lubricating oils per year. By providing an additional 5,600 barrels per day of re-refining capacity to the North American marketplace, Gen III’s USGC facility will result in the elimination of more than 725,000 tonnes of CO equivalent emissions every year versus current burning and disposal methods.
There are over 1.6 billion gallons of used lubricating oils generated in North America every year, of which only 1.1 billion gallons are collected. Half of the collected oils are burned as plant fuels and the remaining oil is more likely to end up in illegal disposal methods. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has emphasized to Congress there needs to be a systemic change in how this toxic waste is handled.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this equates to:
- The greenhouse gas emissions from over 156,000 vehicles; or
- The CO emissions from over 122,000 average households’ electrical use in one year; or
- The carbon sequestered by 12 million tree seedlings grown for ten years; or
- The carbon displaced from the installation of more than 1GWe of solar derived energy.
“We look forward to drawing on the extensive resources and experience of Koch Project Solutions, a subsidiary of Koch Engineered Solutions, to maximize the e!iciency and value of our projects. We are excited that the Koch Engineered Solutions family of companies are using their considerable resources to advance Gen III’s disruptive renewables business. We look forward to working together to drive change in the way used motor oils are cleaned and re processed into high grade Group II+ and Group III based lubricants that meet today’s transportation sector needs and reduce vehicle emissions,” said Gord Driedger, president of Gen III.
“Gen III brings an innovative approach to waste oil re-refining, focused on the production of the highest quality base oil lubricants which are well suited for modern vehicles,” said Paul Switzer, president of Koch Project Solutions. “As part of Koch Engineered Solutions, we are well positioned and excited to bring our expertise to deliver superior performance and to help Gen III realize its vision. Koch Project Solutions supports innovation that creates greater value from underappreciated resources.”
About Gen III
Gen III is a cleantech company that is building sustainable green projects with compelling economics, without relying on government subsidies. Gen III owns a portfolio of patented technologies that enable used motor oil (UMO) re-refineries to produce a higher value product mix of base oils than traditional methods, including 55% Group III. For more information about the Company, please visit www.geniiiesg.com.
About Koch Project Solutions
Koch Project Solutions is built on more than half a century of proven performance. As a Koch Engineered Solutions company, Koch Project Solutions work as problem solvers and capability builders for industrial customers. Koch Engineered Solutions operates in 25 countries with 4,000 full-time employees at 56 global engineering and sales offiices, and 17 manufacturing facilities.
KES is a division of Koch Industries. In their long history, Koch companies have been granted about 10,300 patents, and have earned more than 1,300 awards since 2009 for safety, environmental excellence, community stewardship, innovation and customer service. For more information, visit www.kochind.com/companies/koch-engineered-solutions.