Total Appoints Management Committee for Its New Refining-Chemicals Division

30 January 2012 – Following the Total Group’s recent organization, the Management Committee of the newly created Refining-Chemicals division, led by Patrick Pouyanné, consists of:

  • Xavier Bontemps, Senior Vice President, Manufacturing & Projects,
  • Nathalie Brunelle, Senior Vice President, Strategy, Development, Research,
  • Graeme Burnett, Senior Vice President, Refining-Petrochemicals Americas,
  • Bertrand Deroubaix, General Secretary,
  • Philippe Doligez, Senior Vice President, HSE,
  • Jacques Maigné, CEO Hutchinson,
  • Jean-Jacques Mosconi, Senior Vice President, Refining-Base Chemicals Europe,
  • Bernard Pinatel, CEO Bostik,
  • Francis Raatz, CEO GPN,
  • Reinhard Schneider, CEO Atotech,
  • Bernadette Spinoy, Senior Vice President, Refining-Petrochemicals Eastern Hemisphere,
  • Carl Van Camp, Senior Vice President, Polymers.


Xavier Bontemps began his career in 1985 with BP, where he held a variety of positions, including Engineer, Polyethylene Asset Superintendent and Polymer Production Manager.

In 2001, he was appointed refinery Manager for BP and Chevron’s NEREFCO joint venture in Rotterdam.
In 2005, Mr. Bontemps was named General Manager of the Lavéra refinery plateform in France at Innovene. After the refinery was acquired by INEOS in 2006, he also served as Vice President, Refining Production for France and Scotland.
He subsequently joined Total in 2007 as Vice President, Health, Safety & Environment in Refining-Marketing. In 2010, he was named Vice President Refining, Northern Europe, with responsibility for five refineries.
He was appointed Senior Vice President Manufacturing & Projects of Total’s Refining Chemicals division on January 1, 2012.

Mr. Bontemps, 52, holds a graduate degree from the INSCIR chemical engineering school in Rouen, France, and a master’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of New Brunswick in Canada.

Nathalie Brunelle began her career in 1995 at Elf Atochem as a Polystyrene Process Engineer, before taking on operational responsibilities of the Gonfreville site in Normandy. After the mergers between Total, Fina and Elf, Ms. Brunelle held positions in Belgium in the Business Development and Sales & Marketing Departments in Base Chemicals.

From 2006 to 2008, she was Operations Manager at Fina Antwerp Olefins, a production joint-venture between Total Petrochemicals and ExxonMobil in Antwerp. In 2009, she was named Vice President, Strategic Planning at Total Petrochemicals and in 2010 became Vice President, Base Chemicals Marketing & Sales.
Ms. Brunelle was appointed Senior Vice President Strategy, Development, Research of Total’s Refining-Chemicals division on January 1, 2012.

Ms. Brunelle, 40, is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique engineering school in Paris and of a joint post graduate program between the French Petroleum Institute (IFP) and McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

Graeme Burnett joined Total in 1980 as a Process Engineer at the Lindsey Oil refinery, in Killingholme, UK.

In 1982, he came to PetroFina, Brussels, as refinery Coordinator. After holding, from 1987 to 1996, a number of positions in the Port Arthur refinery in Texas, USA, he was appointed General Manager, Chemicals Supply Chain, at Fina Oil & Chemical in Plano, Texas.

In 1997, he became Project Manager of the BASF-FINA joint-venture. In 1999, he went to Caracas, Venezuela, as General Manager of the Marketing-Planning division of SINCOR. In 2004, Mr. Burnett was appointed President, Styrenics Asia, in Guangzhou, China, and in 2006, Executive Vice President & Joint Representative Director of the Samsung Total Petrochemicals joint-venture in Seoul, South Korea.

In 2008, he was appointed Senior Vice President, Middle East & Asia at Total Petrochemicals.
On January 1, 2012, he was appointed Total Senior Vice President Refining Petrochemicals Americas.
Mr. Burnett, 58, is graduated with a BSc in Chemical Engineering from Teesside University, UK.

Bertrand Deroubaix began his career as a Civil Engineer in various departments of the French Transportation Ministry, and was Project Manager for the famous Normandy Bridge across the Seine.

He joined Total in 1995 as Deputy General Manager of the Normandy refinery. In 1997, he moved to the Upstream segment, where he was Vice President, New Business & New Ventures at Total Gas & Power, then Vice President, Strategic Planning and Financial Control at Total Exploration-Production.

He was appointed Vice President, e-Business and e-Procurement in 2000, and in 2002 was elected Chairman of the Board of Trade-Ranger, an e-procurement marketplace serving the oil and gas and chemical industry, in Houston.
In 2004, he became Total Corporate Vice President, Competitive Intelligence.

In November 2008, he was appointed General Secretary of Total Refining-Marketing. He was appointed to the same position in the Refining-Chemicals division on January 1, 2012.

He is a member of the Total Corporate Management Committee.

Mr. Deroubaix, 56, is a graduate of France’s École Polytechnique and École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, a civil engineering school.

Philippe Doligez began his career in 1979 as a Petroleum Analysis Research Engineer before going on to hold various positions at the Normandy refinery in France.

In 1994, he set up the Refining’s Training & Skills Management Department.

In 1997, he was named Director of Total’s European Research & Technology Center, where one of his core tasks was to reorganize R&D centers following the TotalFina and TotalFinaElf mergers. Mr. Doligez was subsequently appointed General Manager of the Feyzin refinery in 2001 and of the Normandy facility in 2005. In 2008, he was named Vice President Refining, Southern and Western Europe, with responsibility for seven refineries in France and Italy.

Mr. Doligez was appointed Senior Vice President, Health, Safety & Environment of Total’s Refining-Chemicals division,on January 1, 2012.

Mr. Doligez, 58, is a graduate of the Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles engineering school in Paris, and has more than 30 years’ experience in refining at Total.

Jacques Maigné started his career in 1989 at Paulstra, a Hutchinson subsidiary as Vice President, Sales and Marketing for anti-vibration solutions for industry.

In 1991, he moved on to head the Industrial Fluid Transfer team, whose portfolio of products is essentially intended for the defense and road transportation markets.

In 1994, he was named Senior Vice President, Aerospace Anti-Vibration Solutions France. From 2001 to 2009, he served as Corporate Vice President, Aerospace and Industry at Hutchinson, which supplies aerospace equipment under the Hutchinson Aerospace brand. Since April 2009, Mr. Maigné has been Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Hutchinson. He is also a member of the Total Corporate Management Committee.

Mr. Maigné, 52, is a graduate of the Ecole Centrale de Lyon engineering school.

Jean-Jacques Mosconi started his career in 1983 as a Research Manager in the Economic Research Department at French utility Electricité de France. He joined the Group’s Strategy Department in 1988 and in 1990 was appointed Operations Manager of the Donges refinery.

In 1995, he was named CEO of Elf Italia and in 1998, CEO of Lubricants.

In January 2002, Mr. Mosconi was appointed Senior Vice President, Strategy, Development, Research in the Refining-Marketing division.

In 2007, he was named Vice President, Strategy & Business Intelligence at Total.

He was appointed Senior Vice President, Refining-Base Chemicals Europe on January 1, 2012. He also sits on Total’s Management Committee.

Mr. Mosconi, 54, is a graduate of Ecole Normale Supérieure and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, both in Paris.

Bernard Pinatel began his career at Booz Allen Hamilton as a Strategy Consultant. Mr. Pinatel joined Hutchinson in 1991 as an Analyst in the Strategy Department, subsequently becoming Vice President, Production in Germany.
After three years as Plant Manager at Synthron, he rejoined Total as Vice President, Marketing Europe of Coates Lorilleux in 1999.

He was appointed CEO of Bostik France in 2000 and of Bostik Europe in 2003.

From July 2006 to December 2009, he was President of Total Resins, which encompasses Cray Valley, Cook Composites & Polymers and Sartomer.

Since January 2010, Mr. Pinatel has been CEO of Bostik. He also sits on Total’s Management Committee.
Mr. Pinatel, 49, is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique engineering school in Paris, the Paris Graduate School of Economics, Statistics and Finance (ENSAE) and Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po). He also holds a MBA from INSEAD Graduate Business School.

Francis Raatz held a variety of R&D positions at the French Petroleum Institute (IFP) in Montreal and Paris before joining Atochem in 1990, where he was Acrylic Specialties and Derivatives Production Manager at the Carling plant.

In 1996, he was appointed Production Coordinator, Chlorochemicals and Vinyl Products at Elf Atochem in Paris, before becoming Deputy General Manager of Atofina’s Gonfreville plant in 1999 and General Manager the following year.

In 2004, he was appointed Senior Vice President, Polyethylene at Total Petrochemicals in Brussels. He was subsequently appointed Senior Vice President, Research, Technology & Engineering at Total Petrochemicals, where his responsibilities included major projects.

Since 2010, Francis Raatz has been President of GPN.

Mr. Raatz, 56, is graduated in chemical engineering from Ecole Centrale de Paris. He also holds a doctorate in Applied Catalysis from the French Petroleum Institute (IFP) and a Ph.D. in Theoretical Chemistry from Université de Montréal.

Reinhard Schneider started his career in 1975 at Linde AG where he was successively Project Engineer, Project Manager and Engineering Manager in Canada and Germany.

He joined Atotech in 1985 as Project Manager Equipment.

In 1989, he was appointed Head of Sales and Engineering Electronics Equipment. Ten years later, he became Vice President Electronics.

Since 2005, Reinhard Schneider has been CEO of Atotech.

Mr. Schneider, 58, holds a Mechanical Engineering Degree from the University of Würzburg – Schweinfurt in Germany.

Bernadette Spinoy began her career within PetroFina in 1985, where she held various positions in the Refining-Supply Department.

In 1991, she became Marketing and Transport Manager for Natural Gas, and in 1994 she was put in charge of Coordination of Supply and Optimisation for Refining. She became Vice President Corporate Planning in 1996 for PetroFina and in 2000 she was appointed Vice President Strategy and Financial Control for TotalFina and subsequently for the petrochemicals activities of Atofina.

In 2001, Ms. Spinoy became Vice President Marketing and Sales for the Base Chemicals division of Total Petrochemicals.
From 2003 until 2010, she was a member of the Board of Directors of Cepsa.

Since 2007 she has been Senior Vice President for the Styrenics division. She was also in charge of the Purchasing & Polymers Logistics division.

In 2010, she was appointed Senior Vice President Base Chemicals & Health, Safety and Environment.

Ms. Spinoy was appointed Senior Vice President Refining-Petrochemicals Eastern Hemisphere on January 1, 2012.

Ms. Spinoy, 50, holds a Master in Business Engineering of the Louvain-la-Neuve University in Belgium.

Carl Van Camp joined PetroFina’s Planning Department in 1983 and in 1991 was appointed General Manager of the polyethylene plant in Antwerp.

In 1995, he was named Vice President, Polyethylene Operations & Logistics for Europe before becoming Senior Vice President, Polyethylene at TotalFina. He subsequently served as Senior Vice President, Base Chemicals at Total from 2001 and Senior Vice President, Polyolefins from 2007.

Mr. Van Camp was appointed Senior Vice President, Polymers of Total’s Refining Chemicals division on January 1, 2012.

Mr. Van Camp, 59, holds a master in chemical engineering and a doctorate in applied sciences from Ghent University in Belgium.

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