“The 2nd Oil Trading Asia Summit 2014”– Grand Opening in Beijing
Nov. 18-19, Beijing China
Hosted by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation (CPCIF), the 2nd Oil Trading Asia 2014 will be held on 18th—19th of November in 2014 in Beijing, China. This event is co-organized by National Chemical Foreign Economic Cooperation Center (CFECC) and Shine Media International. http://ota.shinemediaworld.com/
As is known, in the recent years, Asian countries in emerging economies have become the main power for the growth of global oil demanding, it prompts new oil refining centre in the Middle East and Asia region constantly developing, and the main emphasis of oil demand is moving eastward, oil supply gradually moving westward.
Confirmed Speakers include but not limited to:
National Development and Reform Commission, International Cooperation Center, Director of Institute of International Energy, Wang Jin
UNIPEC, Crude Oil General Manager, Xu Tao
Asian Development Bank, Senior Advisor & Practice Leader of Energy, Anthony J. Jude
Chinese Academy of Sciences , Institute of Finance and Trade Economics, Deputy Director, Shi Dan
PetroChina Planning & Engineering Institute, Deputy Chief Engineer, Zhang Fuqin
Argus, Vice President, Crude & LPG –Middle East & Asia-Pacific, Alejandro Barbajosa
Reliance Industries, President Global Oil Trading , Savvas Manousos
PETROBRAS, Director for Gas & Energy, José Alcides Santoro Martins
ROSNEFT, Chief Representative of Beijing Office in the Asia-Pacific, Sergey Razov
Hyundai Oilbank Co., Ltd., Executive Vice President, Ji Hak Chang
Emirates National Oil Company, Managing Director-Marketing, Zaid Al Qufaidi
And more…
With a theme of “Strategic Positioning in Global Oil Trading Core Remodeling”, the 2nd Oil Trading Asia 2014 will study and exchange views on global, strategic, and cutting-edge issues of common concern in the field of global supply and demand, regional policy, trading finance, risk management, oil transportation and storage, etc.
Source: http://ota.shinemediaworld.com/
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