SBT Direct Cool incorporated into ASTM standard
Tannas Co. adds to their line of innovative lab instruments with the development of a non-liquid bath version of the Scanning Brookfield Technique (SBT) for determining low-temperature pumpability viscosities and the Gelation Index of automotive engine oils, lubricants and fuels.
The SBT Direct Cool, a dual-position, bench-top lab instrument, incorporates direct refrigeration technology to eliminate the use of flammable and hydroscopic bath fluids for sample cooling. Recent balloting within ASTM incorporates the SBT Direct Cool into the existing ASTM D5133 test method. This non-liquid system replaces previous SB+4 and SB+8 liquid baths manufactured exclusively through Tannas Co. and used for years to meet industry specifications for high-quality engine oils.
The innovative design of the SBT Direct Cool allows self-contained pre-heating of test samples to 90°C (while remaining in test position) and contains an internal automatic dry air system to eliminate moisture buildup during the cooling process.
An enhanced SBT Automation Package permits data-linking of up to four (4) SBT Direct Cool units either simultaneously, or in any combination, with each unit being independent of the others — eliminating constraints of batch testing.
For further details on the full line of SBT instruments, contact Tannas Co., Midland, Michigan via phone: 989-496-2309, E-mail:, or visit our website at for a worldwide sales office near you.
(December 16, 2013)