Metal-Working Fluids and Industrial Lubricants in Metallurgy, Mechanical Processing and Machine-Building 2016
RPI company have the honor of inviting you and your colleagues to the International Conference “Metal-Working Fluids and Industrial Lubricants in Metallurgy, Mechanical Processing and Machine-Building – 2016” (October 12, 2016, Crocus Expo Exhibition Center, Moscow, Russia) within the International Specialized Exhibition SOZHEXPO – 2016, held on October 11-14, 2016 together with the IMTES (International Machine Tool Exhibition Stankostroenie).
The International Conference “Metal-Working Fluids and Industrial Lubricants in Metallurgy, Mechanical Processing and Machine-Building – 2016” (MWFIL-2016) is the unique platform for the industry to meet and exchange ideas, plan and discuss future projects – both for fluids suppliers and end users from metallurgy, metal processing and machine-building. The conference is sponsored by the AIMOL company.
Among speakers of the event are:
– Joseph Lyubinin, Head of the Department, Rosneft Lubricants
– Steve Diana, Gas to Liquid Process Oil Business Development Manager EMEA, Shell Process Oil, Base Oil and Wax
– Christophe Huber, Product Line Manager Europe, Houghton Plc
– Ilya Pelmegov, Technical Director, AIMOL
– Natalia Manokhina, Head of Chemical Department, Moscow Pipe Plant FILIT
– Tamara Kandelaki, General Director, InfoTEK-Consult
– Alexey Kutsev, Head of Technical Services, HILL Corporation, Kazakhstan
– Mikhail Sergeev, Deputy General Director for Innovation Activity, NGO “Center for Information, Analytical and Legal Support of Executive Authorities and Law Enforcement Agencies”
– Boris Tonkonogov, Head of Chemistry, Lubricants Technology and Chemmotology Department, Russian State University of Oil and Gas named by Gubkin
– Konstantin Smirnov, General Director, MIC GSM
– Pavel Chkhetiani, Researcher, Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMASH RAN)
– Oleg Tsvetkov, Head of Oil Research Department, VNII NP
– Aida Khurumova, Head of the Center for Hydraulic Fluids and Lubricants, Research Institute of Standardization and Unification
– Anton Lyadov, Lead Researcher, Electrogorsk Refining Institute, Head of “Chemistry of oil” Sector, A.V.Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian Academy of Sciences
And others.
Among topics in 2016 will be:
– Current status of major oil consuming sectors of industry of the Russian Federation
– Metal-working fluids: solutions and typical problems of clients
– Import substitution of lubricants. Key factors
– Problems of import substitution of industrial oils
– The Development of High-Quality Lubricants Based on Modern Production Technologies
– Latest EHS Regulations and Innovations in water soluble cutting oil
– Development of new metal-working fluids: cooperation with the customer
– Problems and solutions in maintenance of industrial oils
– Criteria and methods for evaluating the tribological characteristics of the metalworking fluids for cutting and grinding
– GTL Technology: leading edge innovation for metal-working oils
– The current state of laboratory research methods for tribological characteristics of lubricants and metal-working fluids
– Measures and Сonditions of State Support in the Framework of the Federal Target Program “Research and Development on Priority Directions of Scientific-Technological Complex of Russia for 2014-2020”
And others.
Among conference participants will be: LLK-International (LUKOIL), Gazpromneft-Lubricants, Rosneft-Lubricants, AIMOL, HILL Corporation, Volgokhimneft, Shell Process Oil, Base Oil and Wax, Shell Neft, HOUGHTON, Sasol, LANXESS, МОБОЙЛ, Finexim, Mineral Wax Plant, Electrogorsk Refining Institute, Center for Information, Analytical and Legal Support of Executive Authorities and Law Enforcement Agencies, MechMash, AKNEL Group, VNII NP, MOTUL, Solvay, RSU of Oil and Gas named by Gubkin, Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMASH RAN), MIC GSM, Moscow Pipe Plant FILIT, Severstal Management and many others.
For more information on the conference, please, visit RPI website:
For more information on the exhibition, please, visit IMTES website:
To register as a delegate or speaker of the Conference or obtain more information, please, contact: Elena Konstantinova: +7 (495) 502 54 33 / 778 93 32. E-mail: Konstantinova.Elena@rpi–