Jerry Murphy, Leader of International Energy Agency (IEA) Bioenergy Tasks Has Confirmed to Attend BBS 2015 · Biogas Forum
The 2nd China International Bioenergy and Biomass Utilization Summit · Biogas Forum (BBS 2014) has been successfully held at Great Tang Hotel, Shanghai on April 23rd-24th, 2014. It has brought 600 representatives (including 317 delegates from biogas) from domestic and abroad such as China, USA, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Britain, France, Italy, Austria, Greece, Australia, Russia, Japan, Korea, India, Singapore etc..
As China’s Biogas premier meeting place, BBS 2015 · Biogas Forum will hold on May 21st-22nd, 2015, Shanghai. At present, Jerry Murphy, Leader of International Energy Agency (IEA) Bioenergy Tasks has confirmed to attend BBS 2015.

Jerry is the Vice Director of the €28M Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Marine Renewable Energy Ireland (MaREI) centre. He is the Director of the Degree in Energy Engineering in University College Cork. He has represented Ireland at the International Energy Agency (IEA) Bioenergy Tasks since 2007. He has been appointed the leader of Task 37 “Energy from Biogas” for the trimester 2016 – 2018. This is the largest Task in IEA Bioenergy. It has 15 member countries (Austria, Australia, Brazil, Denmark, the EU, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Korea, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom). These countries dominate the production of renewable gas and the membership contains the absolute cutting edge knowledge in renewable gas. He has recently edited a book commissioned by the IEA: Wellinger, A., Murphy, J., Baxter, D. (2013) The Biogas Handbook: Science, Production and Applications. IEA Bioenergy. WoodHead Publishing. His latest IEA publication (Dec 2013) is entitled “A perspective on the role of biogas in the Smart energy Grid”. Prof Murphy sits on an EU Joint Research Centre (JRC) committee on sustainability of bioenergy systems. He serves on the editorial board of Renewable Energy (published by Elsevier; impact factor of 3.361) and reviews for a further 13 peer review journals. He has chaired three conferences and served on the organising committee of a further two. This time, he will have a keynote speech on Advanced Technologies and Applications on Biogas. Let us look forward to his splendid speech on BBS 2015.
The booths are booked more than half, and registration of BBS 2015 is in full swing. The 3nd China International Bioenergy and Biomass Utilization Summit · Biogas Forum (BBS 2015) (, as most influential international bioenergy summit in China, We will discuss and explore the pretreatment technologies based-on different feedstock in biogas plant, biogas plant’s after-treatment technologies and high additional value, biogas plant’s new equipment and processing, on-line monitoring and process control, biogas power generation,etc. BBS 2015 will bring together over 350 experts to discuss the development of biogas industry in China.
More information, pls visit our official BBS 2015 Organizing Committee
Jenny Wu
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