ILMA to host 6th International Metalworking Fluids Conference
The Independent Lubricant Manufacturers Association (ILMA) will host the 6th International Metalworking Fluids Conference January 8-10, 2024, at the Atlanta Airport Marriott in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
ILMA, based in Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.A., is the voice of member companies that stimulate USD14.4 billion in sales activity each year. ILMA members make more than a quarter of all lubricants produced in North America.
The conference will explore a range of metalworking fluid (MWF) issues and address challenges faced by raw material suppliers, manufacturers and end users. Topics include sustainability in production and use, regulations, new evaluation techniques, additive challenges, working with the dwindling number of biocides, best practices, remote monitoring, and the impact of electric vehicles on MWF demand.
Previously called the Metal Removal Fluids Symposium, past events were held in 2015, 2011 (in partnership with UEIL, the Union of the European Lubricants Industry), 2008 and earlier, focusing on hot topics such as chlorinated paraffins and health & safety.
Registration opens August 14, 2023. Abstract submissions are being accepted through July 26, 2023. Those interested in presenting a paper at the conference can find details at www.mwfconference.org.