Growth Energy statement on reported attempt to assign RINs to exported biofuels
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor issued the following statement in response to emerging media reports of an effort by oil refiner Valero to encourage the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to attach Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) to exported biofuel, primarily corn-based ethanol. This action would run counter to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) statute and comes on the heels of a misguided attempt by Valero, Carl Icahn, and other merchant refiners to shift the obligated party under the RFS.
“While we cannot speculate on whether this rumor is being given any sort of official consideration, what is absolutely clear is that the idea runs contrary to the intent and plain language of the statute, which is specifically constructed to blend more renewable fuel into the U.S. transportation fuel supply in order to give consumers cleaner, more affordable fuel choices at the pump. Between these media reports and yesterday’s proposed cuts to the 2018 Renewable Volume Obligations (RVOs), we are concerned about the EPA’s and the Administration’s commitment to supporting biofuels.”
The Federal Register clearly noted that the EPA has ruled previously that, “if a gallon of ethanol is produced in the U.S. but consumed outside of the U.S., the RIN associated with that gallon is not valid for RFS compliance purposes since the RFS program is intended to require a specific volume of renewable fuel to be consumed in the U.S.”1
1 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 83 / Tuesday, May 1, 2007 / Rules and Regulations at 23936.
About Growth Energy
Growth Energy represents producers and supporters of ethanol working to bring consumers better choices at the fuel pump, grow America’s economy and improve the environment for future generations. Our organization’s national campaign — online at — serves as the leading source of information for consumers seeking cleaner, more affordable fueling options. For more information on our organization, visit us at, follow us on Twitter @GrowthEnergy, or connect with us on Facebook.