GP Global appoints FTI’s Rod Sutton as chief restructuring officer
GP Global Group, a diversified commodities trading company, today announced appointment of FTI Consulting’s Rod Sutton as its chief restructuring officer and has also hired UK-based financial restructuring specialist firm Quantuma, as part of its ongoing restructuring exercise.
Sutton is a highly reputed global corporate restructure specialist with more than 25 years of experience in business advisory and management. He specializes in problem resolution that requires discovery of facts and interpretation of commercial issues and is globally recognized for this ability to cut through the relevant issues to provide expert financial opinions, commercial options and recommendations to his clients.
Quantuma is an independent advisory firm that provides expert advice on business transactions, assists in resolving disputes and helps organizations and individuals to overcome a range of operational and financial challenges.
Sutton will work closely with Quantuma to engage with GP Global Group’s stakeholders to protect the commercial interests of the group’s valuable clients. They will together assist towards transforming GP Global Group into a strong, financially prudent and future ready corporation with enhanced transparency.
GP Global Group, Quantuma and Sutton will keep the group’s key stakeholders informed with relevant information with respect to the restructuring exercise and look forward to navigating the group’s current challenges in an open, transparent and mutually beneficial way.
About GP Global
GP Global is a leading player in the oil industry, specializing in Oil Trading and Bunkering, Oil Refining, Grease Manufacturing, Oil Storage Terminals, Bitumen Manufacturing, and Shipping and Logistics. Headquartered in United Arab Emirates, and having a presence in South Asia, the Far East Asia, Africa and Europe, it has emerged as one of the well-established manufacturers and traders of petroleum products in major parts of the world.