The Government adds 3 Compact Gas stations at Talaud
Government commitment in realizing equitable energy for the people in the 3T region (Outermost, Frontier, Disadvantaged) through the One Price BBM program continues. The new BBM distributor agency was inaugurated, this time in the form of a Compact Gas Station in the Talaud Islands Regency located in Essang District, Nanusa District and Miangas District. The three Compact Gas Stations are part of 133 BBM distributor agencies that have been operating since the start of the One Price BBM Program in 2017.
The inauguration of the Compact Gas Station was carried out by the ESDM Ministry’s Director General of Oil and Gas Djoko Siswanto accompanied by PT Pertamina’s Retail Fuel Marketing (RFM) MOR VII Manager I Ketut Permadi Aryakuumara, Alex Sahadula’s Assistant for Governance and People’s Welfare and the Indonesian Military and Police and community leaders in the Talaud Islands Regency.
“Through the BBM One Price program, the Government and Pertamina are committed to continue to increase the number of BBM distributor institutions throughout Indonesia. This is in line with Nawacita to build Indonesia from the periphery by strengthening the region within the framework of a unitary state. So it is deemed necessary to accelerate the BBM One Price program. Alhamdulillah today the people in Talaud Islands Regency can get fuel supplies at prices as determined by the Government, Premium Rp. 6,450 / liter and Solar Rp. 5,150, / liter, thanks to the support of the Regional Government, TNI and Polri, and related stakeholders “, said Director General of Oil and Gas of the Earth Djoko Siswanto in his speech.
Before the channeling institutions were built in the three locations, residents had to buy Solar type fuel at a price of around Rp. 10,000 to 15,000 and Premium BBM at a price of around Rp. 15,000 to Rp. 20,000.
Talaud Islands is one of the leading regions in Indonesia. Miangas in particular, is the outermost island bordering Mindanao – the Philippines. The distance is closer to Davao (48 nautical miles) than to Melonguane (110 nautical miles). Therefore, the Government commissioned PT Pertamina to establish 5 price fuel 1 channeling institutions in the Talaud Islands, namely in Melonguane, Kabaruan, Essang, Miangas, and Nanusa.
According to RFM, PT Pertamina’s Manager of MOR VII (Persero) I Ketut Permadi Aryakuumara, the three Compact Gas Stations that were inaugurated today have been operating trials since the end of 2018. “The fuel needs in Talaud Islands Regency in 2018 reach an average of 247 KL per month. This Compact SPBU is expected to be able to fulfill fuel needs and can boost economic growth in the Talaud Islands Regency, “said Ketut Permadi.
Supply point for gas stations in Talaud Islands is Bitung TBBM which is about 278 nautical miles by using SPOB capacity of 1100 KL. The total fuel allocation for Essang gas stations is 20 KL / month, Nanusa SPBU is 20 KL / month and Miangas gas station is 40 KL / month.
“As for BBM, we continue to supervise so that there are no deviations in distribution, we hope the Regional Government and the community can actively play a role so that the fuel is distributed on target,” said Ketut Permadi.
The government through the ESDM Ministry and the Implementing Business Entity continues to map the location of the One Price BBM program target. “In 2019, 40 BBM 1 points are planned to be built. Prices and for Sulawesi are in Banggai Kepulauan Regency (2 locations) and Sigi Regency (1 location),” explained Djoko.
Nationally, from 2017 to 2019, 170 distributors of One Price BBM will be built. Until now, PT Pertamina (Persero) has built 124 locations, while the companion business has 9 locations. For 2019, it is targeted that 39 Distributors operate by PT Pertamina and 1 Distributor operates by a companion business entity.
The government is committed to providing energy, especially fuel, for the community to support development and economic growth, including the foremost islands that are the verandah of Indonesia. “The establishment of this gas station is expected to have a positive impact on the economy and improve the quality of life and welfare of the people in the Talaud Islands Regency,” Djoko explained.
On the same occasion, Alex Sahadula, Assistant 1 in the Government and Community Welfare Sector who was present on behalf of the Regent of Talaud Islands District expressed his pride and gratitude for the attention of the central government which had presented this 76,958.10 Compact Gas Station. “Thank you the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, also Pertamina as the executor, so that our people get fuel at the same price as in Manado, Makassar, Jakarta. We hope that this distribution will make the economy more advanced. We take advantage of this central government program to the maximum, so there are no more complaints because of expensive fuel “. (Iw)
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