Esso S.A.F. appoints Charles Amyot as chairman and CEO
Esso S.A.F. has appointed Charles Amyot to succeed Antoine du Guerny as chairman and CEO who will retire on June 30, 2021 after a career of more than 37 years at Esso S.A.F. and within the companies of the ExxonMobil group in Europe.
Since 2004, du Guerny has been the administrative and financial director of Esso S.A.F. and companies of the ExxonMobil group in France. Appointed director of Esso S.A.F. in 2010, he became chairman and chief executive officer in May 2017. He is also chairman of Esso Raffinage SAS and ExxonMobil Chemical France.
Amyot, 53, is a graduate of the Catholic School of Arts and Crafts (ECAM Lyon). He began his career in 1992 at the French Mobil Oil refinery in Notre Dame de Gravenchon where he held various technical and operational positions. In 1998 he joined the Supply and Trading department of the JV between BP and Mobil, based in London. In 2000, he was appointed technical director of the SRD refinery in Dunkirk, then joined the head office of Esso S.A.F. as trading manager, then as sales director for marine fuels for southern Europe and the Middle East.
In 2007, he moved to the United States and joined the planning teams of the ExxonMobil group in Fairfax, Virginia, as a strategic advisor for the fuels and fuel activities.
Back in France in 2009, he was appointed sales director of the Esso brand service station network. Between 2012 and 2017 he joined the lubricants value chain first as production manager, then as supply chain manager for Europe, Africa and the Middle East, based at the European headquarters in Brussels. In 2018, he returned to the fuel and fuel value chain as director for France and since May 2020, he has held the position of supply chain strategy director.