EPA Details Potential Standards for Phase 2 Greenhouse Gas and Fuel Efficiency Standards
The next big challenge for the USA’s commercial vehicle sector is the implementation of Phase 2 Greenhouse Gas and Fuel Efficiency standards and the technologies and certification to achieve
compliance that are under consideration.
Speaking at the 7 Heavy-Duty Diesel Standards at the Environmental Protection Agency provided a detailed updated on Phase 2 as the development of the regulation gathers pace.
Spears emphasised the problem of transportation in the United States with medium and heavy-duty vehicles responsible for 20% of Greenhouse Gas emissions and the number of heavy-duty vehicles on the road expected to increase by 70% by 2040.
Spears declared Phase 1 to have been a success reporting that reduced fuel consumption has saved 530 million barrels of oil, 270 metric million tonnes lower Greenhouse Gas emissions and $50 billion in fuel savings.
In looking forward to Phase 2 standards, Spears noted that this may include the implementation of technology which is not currently available off-the-shelf, the inclusion within the regulation of some trailers and additional and new technologies beyond what was required at Phase 1.
However, perhaps the biggest area that the standards may address is the refined test procedures and updates of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Model (GEM) vehicle simulation compliance model which may include a full vehicle approach, where the entire vehicle is regulated rather than the individual components.
Other areas under consideration include a full Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) panel process to develop solutions for small businesses and updated technology, economic and environmental assessments.
Spears reported that the regulating agencies, EPA and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), plan, with overwhelming support from the industry, to harmonise their regulation of Greenhouse Gas and Fuel Economy emissions standards with notice and public review and comment.
The Phase 2 proposal will be published for consultation in March 2015, finalised in March 2016 and implemented in 2020.
The 7th Integer Emissions Summit & DEF Forum USA conference, is taking place on the 28th – 30th October in Chicago. The conference has brought together over 350 senior executives from 30th commercial vehicle, passenger car, marine vessel and off-highway OEMs, as well as emissions technology suppliers, oil companies, government legislators, Diesel Exhaust Fluid producers, distributors and suppliers.