Energy Institute celebrates 100 years of professionalism at IP Week

The Energy Institute (EI) welcomed hundreds of energy professionals to the first day of International Petroleum (IP) Week 2014, held in London on 17-19 February. This year’s event celebrated the EI’s 100th anniversary since the formation of its oldest founding body – the Institution of Petroleum Technologists, with a special centenary interview featuring Tony Hayward HonFEI, Executive Director and CEO, Genel Energy.

IP Week is an annual strategic thought-leadership forum for the oil and gas sector, bringing together individuals and companies from around the globe to debate the key challenges and opportunities facing the industry.

Louise Kingham OBE FEI, Chief Executive, Energy Institute, says, ‘The over-arching theme of this year’s event is Managing risks and maximising opportunities. Energy is vital to society and it is through the talent and skills of those individuals working in our sector that it has been able to respond to the ongoing demand of providing heat, light and power. Our centenary provides us with the opportunity to celebrate the professionalism of those individuals and their commitment and dedication to the industry.’

To mark the occasion, the opening conference, entitled Global energy outlook: future growth scenarios concluded with an exclusive interview with Tony Hayward HonFEI.

Mr Hayward said, ‘The greatest lesson the energy industry has learnt over the last 100 years is the ability to continuously reinvent itself. The  innovation and creativity of man has continued to satisfy the world’s energy demands. The challenge is to keep it at a price that’s affordable in a way that’s sustainable and to reach the 1 billion people in the world today without access to energy.’

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For further information, please contact:
Katie Crabb, Communications Manager, Energy Institute
t: +44 (0)20 7467 7173, e:

Notes to editor: The Energy Institute (EI) is the leading chartered professional membership body for the energy industry, supporting over 19,000 individuals working in or studying energy and 250 energy companies worldwide. The EI provides learning and networking opportunities to support professional development, as well as professional recognition and technical and scientific knowledge resources on energy in all its forms and applications. The EI’s purpose is to develop and disseminate knowledge, skills and good practice towards a safe, secure and sustainable energy system. A registered charity, the EI serves society with independence, professionalism and a wealth of expertise in energy matters. For more information, please visit

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