Dr. Raj Shah honored by the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Energy Institute ( UK ) : Recipient of multifarious allocades

Dr. Raj Shah, Director at Koehler Instrument company in Holtsville, NY was recently conferred the coveted title of a Chartered Petroleum Engineer. He is the first ever STLE and NLGI member to achieve this distinction, an honor which so far only half a dozen Americans have been recognized with, in the life of this award. This honorary title which comes with a CPEng designation, is awarded by the Energy institute (EI), which is one of the largest professional membership body that brings global energy expertise together. Energy Institute’s ambition is that energy, and its critical role in our world, is better understood, managed and valued. The Energy Institute is a unique network with insight spanning the world of energy, from conventional oil and gas to the most innovative renewable and energy efficient technologies and working with the know-how of around 20,000 members and 250 companies from 120 countries . The global energy industry, the people working in it and wider society all benefit from the work done at the Energy Institute.

The honor of the Chartered petroleum engineer designation in an association that has 20000 plus members and spans over 120 countries was not lost to Dr. Shah who accepted this distinction with great humility thanking his colleagues and family for all their support.

Dr. Shah has also been conferred the distinguished alumni award from the Institute of Chemical technology, Mumbai ( ICT). In conferring him this honor ICT ( Mumbai ) , stated ” Dr. Raj Shah, a professional par excellence due to his high degree of integrity, commitment and professionalism has been responsible for the high esteem in which his alma mater, the Institute of chemical technology is recognized ”. The Institute of Chemical technology in Mumbai has been ranked 4th based on annual surveys on research standards of engineering and technology institutes in the world. Raj said he was extremely humbled on receiving the distinguished alumni award from his undergraduate alma mater and such a prestigious university. His other alma mater, The Pennsylvania State University also started a new alumni spotlight feature in Chemical engineering, with Dr. Raj Shah. https://www.che.psu.edu/news/2018/Alumni-Spotlight-Raj-Shah.aspx. More recently National Certification Commission in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in Washington, DC honored Dr. Raj Shah with inducting him as a Certified professional chemist and Certified Chemical engineer.

Dr. Shah was also recently inducted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry . The Royal society of chemistry has over 54,000 members and is one of the largest professional bodies for chemical scientists, supporting and representing our members and bringing together chemical scientists from all over the world. The Royal Society of Chemistry was founded in 1841 and incorporated by a royal charter in 1848, and its main patron is her Majesty the Queen of England. The Royal society fellowship boasts such famous historical members as Albert Einstein , Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin. This is indeed a unique and unparalleled honour for this New York based tribologist.

Currently Dr. Shah now holds the distinction of being the first person ever to holds all 6 of these highly coveted certifications : namely CPC, CCHE, CEng, CSci, CChem, CPEng., and the singular honor of being an elected Fellow of these international professional organizations : namely, STLE, NLGI, AIC, RSC and EI.

Dr. Raj Shah is also active in Tribology and within the ASTM D02 committees. He has been recognized by ASTM International with three awards of Excellence and an ASTM Eagle award (a sui genres distinction). More recently he was awarded the PM Ku medal ( the youngest recipient of this medal ) by STLE, and the prestigious John A. Bellanti Sr. Memorial Award by NLGI as well. He is also the recipient of the NLGI India chapter’s president’s award and long service award .

Dr. Raj Shah currently serves, or has served on the Board of Directors/ Advisors of various institutions such as the Department of Chemical Engineering , State university of New York, Stony Brook, NY, the Tribology program at Auburn University , The School of Engineering, Design, Technology and Professional Programs (SEDTAPP) at Penn State University, PA, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, the Foundation Board at Developmental Disabilities Institute in Smithtown, NY until 2009, and he served on the board of directors of the National Lubricating Grease institute for almost 2 decades. He lives with his family in New York and can be reached at rshah@koehlerinstrument.com.

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