DLR selects Leuna as location for its PtL technology platform
The German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) has selected the Leuna Chemical Complex in Saxony-Anhalt as the location for its Technology Platform PtL (TPP).
This research facility is intended to make a major contribution to the near-term, industrial-scale production of e-fuels – also referred to as Power-to-Liquid fuels (PtL) or sustainable aviation fuels (e-SAF). DLR will work with industry and other research institutions to develop and test the necessary large-scale technologies and processes for this purpose.
Construction of the facility is planned to begin in January 2024, subject to final funding approval.
“The PtL technology platform will enable DLR to make a decisive contribution to developing and applying technologies for the industrial production and use of e-fuels,” says Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla, chair of the DLR Executive Board. “We are therefore very pleased that we were successful in the selection process carried out by the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport. DLR will now further develop the plans for the platform. Together with alternative propulsion systems and further improvements in efficiency and operations, these fuels will prove vital for climate- and environment-friendly mobility, particularly for air and sea transport. At present, e-SAFs are not available in sufficient quantities. The TPP will allow us to address the challenges of increasing the efficiency of energy sources, their climate compatibility and scaling for industrial production.”
“E-fuel technology is ready for market launch. As a centre of innovation, we want to promote and further develop this technology in Germany,” says Germany’s Federal Minister for Digital and Transport Volker Wissing. “That is the role of our support for the PtL technology platform. As a flagship project, the platform will bring together companies and research institutions along the entire value chain to scale up and optimise e-fuel technology. I am pleased that an ideal location for its implementation has been found at the Leuna Chemical and Refinery Park.”