CSSC launches new marine service business with state of the art logistics centre

China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC) has today formally launched a new business CSSC Marine Service Co., Ltd, to coincide with the inauguration of their new logistic centre within the Yangshang free trade zone, Shanghai.

The inauguration was marked with a ceremony on 30 June 2017, attended by over 150 industry representatives from leading ship owning, managing and operating companies along with key cooperation partners ABB, MAN PrimServ and WinGD.

Able to accommodate over 20,000 kinds of original small parts including fuel injection equipment, piston rings, pipes, flaps and valves, and large parts such as cylinder liners, covers and piston crowns. The third party operated centre forms phase one of an overall project for CSSC Marine Service Co., Ltd.

Covering 9000m2, the warehouse and distribution facility includes quality assurance monitoring and a state of the art warehouse management system with a light identification system that will enable speedy picking, packing and delivery of parts.

CSSC Marine Service Co., Ltd was established earlier this year to facilitate lifecycle services and flexible solutions to the entire CSSC product portfolio. This new logistics centre is the first step to enable quicker responses to customer needs. With future plans for expansion of the current represented service centres in Hamburg, Athens, Singapore, Houston and Dubai, which in total will see six strategic service hubs and 28 service stations worldwide by 2020.

Andrew Stump, President, CSSC Marine Service Co., Ltd, commented: “In the future CSSC Service will manage parts, field service and warranty for all CSSC manufactured products. There will be a particularly strong focus on Low Speed main engine and medium speed auxiliary engines from brands manufactured by CSSC. Our logistics centre will act as the hub for our global distribution network with the aim to be capable and efficient in the delivery of key engine components on a global scale. We know this will take time and energy to ensure we are in the right places to support the vessels needs, but we are confident that our young, exciting and energetic team will progress very quickly”.

About CSSC Marine Service Co., Ltd

CSSC Marine Service Co., Ltd registered in Yangshan Free Trade Port Area, Shanghai, China, on 23 January 2017 with a capital of one billion RMB and is a new subsidiary of China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC). A joint investment by China Shipbuilding Power Engineering Institute Co., Ltd CSSC Marine Power Co., Ltd, Anqing CSSC Diesel Engine Co., Ltd and China Shipbuilding Trading Co., Ltd with ratio of shareholding of 65%, 20%, 10% and 5%.

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