Commercial vehicle and engine manufacturers facing stricter emissions reduction and fuel efficiency requirements than ever before.
In February 2014, the Obama Administration announced the directive for the EPA and NHTSA to develop and issue Phase II of medium and heavy-duty vehicle fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas standards by March 2016. The announcement has caused discussion amongst the industry regarding the structure of the standards. Some OEMs argue that standards should apply to the entire vehicle, while others are lobbying for separate engine and vehicle standards.
Furthermore, despite a widespread feeling that the industry had perhaps achieved as much as possible in the reduction of criteria pollutants, at the end of March 2013, CARB (California Air Resources Board) announced a proposal for lower NOx engine standards, to be implemented as a voluntary program first which will tackle the extremely poor air quality in California (Los Angeles and the San Joaquin Valley have the worst air quality in the entire country). Research programs are now underway to demonstrate low NOx solutions from natural gas and diesel heavy-duty engines.
Both of these key issues currently affecting the industry, and more, will be discussed at the upcoming ‘7th Integer Emissions Summit USA 2014’. The conference will take place on the 28-30 October at the Westin Northwest Chicago.
The conference addresses key issues surrounding emissions reduction and fuel efficiency policies for commercial vehicles in the North American market. Further issues to be discussed include challenges for OEMs regarding OBD standards and strategies, advanced emissions reduction technologies for heavy-duty vehicles and the development of natural gas infrastructure and vehicle technology.
Over 50 speakers confirmed including:
– Matt Spears, Center Director, Heavy-Duty Diesel Standards, The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
– Tony rGreszle, Vice President Government & Industry Relations, Volvo Group Truck Technology
– Dr. Charles Roberts, Institute Engineer, Southwest Research Institute
– Scott Perry, VP of Supply Management and Fleet Management Solutions, Ryder
– Amy Kopin, Senior Compliance Engineer, Detroit Diesel
– Darren Gosbee, Engineering Director, Navistar
– Mike Cooper, Director, Product Environmental Management US/Canada, Cummins Inc.
– Chad Grugel, Senior Engineering Manager, Global Regulatory – Diagnostics, Navistar – Rob Weiss, OBD & SIR Director, Product Environmental Management, Cummins Inc.
– William Zobel, Vice President – Market Development and Strategy, Trillium CNG
– Matt Feighner, Regional Vice President – National Truck Team, Clean Energy
For more information regarding the conference, the full agenda and registration details, please visit: