ASTM Diesel Cleanliness Workshop Will Be Held in June

W. CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa., February 17, 2015—A Diesel Cleanliness Workshop will be held June 25 at the Marriott Harbor Beach Resort in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Sponsored by ASTM International Committee D02 on Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels and Lubricants, the event will be held in conjunction with the committee’s standards development meetings.

The ASTM Diesel Cleanliness Workshop aims to bring fuel manufacturers, distributors, end users, regulators and other interested parties together in an effort to seek a path forward for improved diesel fuel cleanliness necessary for modern engines.

We will review the Coordinating Research Council Report 667 as a guide for better understanding the important aspects of diesel fuel storage and handling, which can help maintain acceptable levels of fuel cleanliness during distribution, storage and end use. A significant amount of time at the end of the program will be designed for an open discussion in an effort to seek a path forward for what changes may need to be made to improve fuel cleanliness.

Registration will open approximately six weeks before the workshop. Visit for additional information.

Additional technical information is available from workshop co-chairmen Rick Chapman, Innospec Fuel Specialties, Newark, Del., tel; and Manuch Nikanjam, Chevron Products Co., Richmond, Calif., tel

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ASTM Staff Contact: Hannah Sparks, tel 

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