ACEA European Oil Sequences 2012
The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) has published its European Oil Sequences 2012, which define engine lubricant quality requirements for gasoline engines and light- and heavy-duty diesel engines, and has included some specific measures to address the impact of biofuels for the first time.
The new sequences, which set out the minimum performance levels required of service-fill engine lubricants, became available for first use on 14 December 2012.
The 2012 sequences incorporate some significant changes, including new testing requirements, that will impact the formulation and development of engine lubricants and the performance claims that can be made for them. The majority of changes relate to gasoline and light-duty diesel engines but there are also some changes to the heavy-duty categories.
A series of new tests has been introduced as a result of the growing use of biofuels and problems already encountered in the field as a result. These issues mostly relate to the accumulation of biofuel components in the lubricant and their effect on lubricant quality and performance.
ACEA has adopted new tests in its 2012 sequences to deal with such problems and guard against other potential issues that could arise as a result of the increasing use of biofuels in the future.
ATIEL has been actively engaged with ACEA during the evolution of the 2012 sequences and believes this constructive interaction has made an important contribution to their development.
Oil marketers may continue to make new claims against the 2010 sequences until December 14, 2013, after which every new claim has to be made against the 2012 sequences. Existing engine lubricants using claims against the 2010 sequences can be marketed until December 22, 2014. (January 10, 2013)