9th Global Lubricant Week 2018
Each year the most influential players and decision makers of the international lubricants industry meet at the “Global Lubricant Week” (October 9-12, 2018, Radisson Royal Hotel, Moscow). We invite you to join them at this event, now in its 14th year. “Global Lubricant Week” has a reputation as the leading conference in the Russian lubricants industry. The caliber of the attendees and the sponsors, coupled with excellent networking opportunities, unrivalled evening receptions, and a high-level program have “Global Lubricant Week” the reputation it deserves.
“Global Lubricant Week” is expected to be the largest industry event in Europe and CIS and bring together more than 600 participants.
With the most senior level industry executives coming from more than 25 countries, the “Global Lubricant Week” has become known as the place where deals are done and decisions are being made. This event is a “must” for anyone in this market who is serious about the growth and development of our industry and who wants to have a stake in it.
Among the confirmed speakers and participants in 2018 are LUKOIL Lubricants, Evonik Oil Additives, Infineum, Fuchs Petrolub, BASF, Chevron Oronite, Lubrizol, ATIEL, Finexim, ILSA Baltic, INTESMO, LLK Naftan, Lanxess, APL, Qualitet, REACHLaw, NEO Chemical, Rospolychem, Mosgortrans, Severstal Management, Olcon, Association for Waste Recycling, Novocherkassk Lubricant Materials Plant, SIBUR, KAMAZ, Avtodizel, Autostat, MST Digital Agency, Ipsos Comcon and many others.
The 14th “Global Lubricant Conference 2018” (October 10-11, Moscow) is the leading event in the Russian lubricant industry as well as at the lubricant market of CIS and Eastern Europe. Our conference develops first of all as the professional meeting-place, a place for exchange of opinions and information for all players and personalities in this industry. For this we gather together top-managers and leading specialists of Russian and foreign companies – lubricant producers and suppliers, base oils and additive suppliers, OEM’s and large Russian corporate lubricant users.
We also provide excellent opportunities for both holding business talks and informal communication for all the participants during coffee-breaks and evening receptions with refined cuisine. The first day of the conference is traditionally devoted to the discussion of business matters in the lubricant industry. Many topics are presented and discussed on the public only at our conference including strategic plans and forecasts from leading companies. On the second day the technical matters are discussed. You will be informed about the new approaches to lubricants’ formulation, about the new solutions to improve effectiveness of your customers.
RPI is also proud to announce the 3rd International Conference “CIS Market: Base Oils and Lubricants 2018” (October 11) and the 9th “Global Grease Summit 2018” (October 12) to be held during the “Global Lubricant Week”.
Accompanying exhibition of the products, solutions and services for the lubricant industry “Services and Equipment for the Lubricant Industry 2018” will be held during the “Global Lubricant Week”. The exhibition is the best place for suppliers to be presented in this segment. At the Russian Lubricant Week we gather top-managers and leading specialists of the majority of Russian and key CIS companies. So you will present your company business and competence, spread informational materials, hold business talks with most of potential partners and lubricant suppliers.
For more information, please, see the website: http://www.rpi-conferences.com/en/lubricants-week/daterange/-
To register as a delegate, exponent or speaker or obtain more information, please, contact: Elena Konstantinova: +7 (495) 502 54 33 / 778 93 32. E-mail: Konstantinova.Elena@rpi-inc.ru