87% of shipping industry wants a common standardised methodology to measure fuel consumption
Independent UCL study commissioned by International Paint reveals true impact of clean technology and key role that a standard measurement methodology can play
Singapore, February 18, 2014 – An independent study conducted by leading academic institute, University College London’s Energy Institute (UCL-Energy), and commissioned by International Paint, a leading brand under AkzoNobel, has revealed significant findings about the shipping industry’s attitude towards fuel consumption monitoring, clean technology and its impact on energy efficiency. It also highlighted the importance of developing a common standard methodology that accurately monitors and measures the environmental and economic benefits of all eco-efficient technologies.
The study, ‘On the attitudes and opportunities of monitoring and measurement and the identification and validation of energy efficiency and performance interventions’ obtained stakeholder responses in the summer of 2013 and is the most comprehensive independent research into fuel consumption monitoring to be conducted in recent years. The full report can be downloaded here.
130 responses were collated from a broad spectrum of ship owner-operators, ship owners, management companies and charterers, with almost equal responses from companies with main operational regions based in the EU and Asia, demonstrating global coverage.
The report’s authors Isabelle Rojon and Tristan Smith, UCL Energy Institute said: “The survey responses demonstrate that there is already significant activity both in the implementation of fuel measurement procedures and retrofitting activity, however, there is also a strong need for a common standard measurement methodology with which assessments of intervention’s fuel savings can be quantified. The results also highlighted the need that any measurement methodology be inclusive of all stakeholder’s measurement technologies and techniques and can be applied to assess any retrofit technology (hydrodynamic devices, machinery, propellers, fuel and hull coatings).”
International Paint commissioned the study to develop and share knowledge about the current extent of fuel consumption monitoring within the shipping industry, attitudes to its use, and the key reasons it is being used for from both a commercial and compliance perspective.
The key preliminary findings from the research include:
- 87% of the shipping industry consider it important to measure emissions using a standard methodology
- One quarter believe that any new standard should be mandatory within IMO regulations
- 86% of respondents have adopted multiple clean technology measures over the last five years, with hull coatings representing 70%, making it the most widely adopted and cost-effective form of clean technology used in the market today
- 70% of respondents stated that energy efficiency was a board agenda item
Mr. Trevor Solomon, Business Manager at International Paint said: “This study demonstrates that the shipping industry is being highly proactive in taking the issues related to sustainability very seriously. It is also clear that the majority wants a common and transparent vessel performance standard that covers the full spectrum of current and impending eco-efficient technologies – an issue currently being discussed in the ISO working group developing a clean technology performance standard, which International Paint is actively involved in.
“Creating a standard that is scalable and applicable for the long term is crucial, as eco-efficiency technologies develop and as ship owners and operators continue to embrace the environmental and financial benefits of sustainability and increasing the efficiency of
their fleets.”
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About International Paint
International Paint is part of AkzoNobel. AkzoNobel is a leading global paints and coatings company and a major producer of specialty chemicals. We supply industries and consumers worldwide with innovative products and are passionate about developing sustainable answers for our customers. Our portfolio includes well-known brands such as Dulux, Sikkens, International and Eka. Headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, we are consistently ranked as one of the leaders in the area of sustainability. With operations in more than 80 countries, our 50,000 people around the world are committed to delivering leading products and technologies to meet the growing demands of our fast-changing world.
Founded in June 2009, the UCL Energy Institute (UCL-Energy) was established as UCL’s response to the global challenges of mitigating climate change and providing energy security in the 21st century. UCL-Energy, which sits within the Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment at UCL, brings together different perspectives, understandings and procedures in energy research, transcending the boundaries between academic disciplines. It coordinates multidisciplinary teams from across the University, with the aim of accelerating the transition to a globally sustainable energy system through world-class energy research, education and policy support. www.ucl.ac.uk/energy Follow on Twitter @ucl_energy
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