The 2019 UEIL Congress is just around the corner!

Brussels, 1 October 2019: UEIL is looking forward to its annual Congress, which will take place in Cannes, France, on 24-26 October. Registration is open and available here. The theme of this year’s event is ‘Challenges & Opportunities in the fast-changing lubricants industry’ and promises to be a major highlight for our industry sector and for European industry more generally.

“The Congress is going from strength to strength. We are witnessing a gradual increase in the number of participants year on year,”  said UEIL President Valentina Serra-Holm. “This shows the value the Congress brings to members of the European and global lubricants industry – it provides the perfect setting for the free-flow of ideas that affect our industry going forward, from technological change to financial and regulatory developments. So don’t miss the opportunity and join us in Cannes!”

The Congress will take place at the Hotel Le Majestic, located on Boulevard de la Croisette, with the prestigious Hotel Le Negresco hosting the gala dinner in Nice on 24 October. This promises to be an unforgettable experience.

This year’s Congress includes two pre-conference events: a seminar in collaboration with Argus Media and a workshop on Artificial Intelligence delivered by Katie King. In addition, participants have the opportunity to explore the region’s cultural heritage by joining our Tourism & Partner Days. The  Congress will include workshops and seminars on topics like digitalisation, circular economy, technical trends in the industry and the workforce of the future. The full programme can be found here.

We would like to thank all the sponsors – ARGUS MEDIA, BRB, CHEVRON, CHEMLUBE, COMERCIAL QUÍMICA MASSÓ, FUCHS, ICIS, IGOL, ILMA, IMCD, KROON-OIL, METALL CHEMIE, PILOT, PUTOLINE OIL, SAFIC-ALCAN, UNIL OPAL, YACCO, ZELLER+GMELIN –  for supporting this year’s Congress and look forward to what promises to be an inspiring and enjoyable three days in the French Riviera!

For more information contact [email protected]

About UEIL

UEIL (the Union of the European Lubricants Industry) represents the interests of the lubricants industry in Europe, with a special focus on SMEs and independent companies that produce lubricants and metal processing fluids essential for the automotive and industrial sectors.

Through its 22 national member associations, UEIL covers the whole lubricants’ value chain, from manufacturing and distribution to recycling, and represents over 450 companies and 100,000 employees.

Our members’ collective expertise provides an unrivaled source of information and knowledge on and for the lubricants’ industry, and establishes UEIL as the principal interlocutor of the EU Institutions in areas such as health & safety, environment, recycling, competition, technical specifications, taxation and industry statistics.

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