Releasing the brakes on electric vehicles
In the past, OEMs have been accused of putting the brakes on the rollout of electric vehicles once compliance has been achieved, delaying a crucial shift to e-mobility. In this transport-focused issue of F+L Magazine Online we investigate the role of politics versus science in the adoption of electric vehicles. A global shift to electrification appears inevitable, and is one of four future transportation trends alongside automated, connected, and shared mobility. We consider how the greater convenience offered by these technological advances may actually mean greater congestion for transport users.
This month, we also look at why technology alone will not save us from our past transport sins and how developing Asian nations have the opportunity to break the mould of traditional transport. Some experts are calling for a move away from alternative fuels to focus entirely on electrification. We look at a profitable path to renewable methanol, and how this liquid chemical can compete with biomass-derived products as a fuel. Finally, we make a comparison between automotive and aviation engines to understand why ashless dispersants remain common in aviation engine oils.