

San Sebastian, Spain

“The closest encounter between industry and science” LUBMAT was a common initiative between TEKNIKER and JOST Institute for Lubrication and Tribology. Both realized that, even though there were numerous international congresses dealing with the scientific approach for lubrication and wear, there were not any specific industrially focused. So that LUBMAT intends to address the industrial public without losing sight of the academic and scientific vision. The conference slogan “The closest encounter between industry and science” seeks to reinforce the links between actual practice in companies and research and development, which enables us to innovate and create products and services with increased added value. On this occasion, LUBMAT conference a well-established event that is in its 9th edition is held together with the 12th Iberian Conference on Tribology, IBERTRIB a biennial symposium assembling researchers working on Tribology from Spain and Portugal, alternating the location between both countries. Contributions are expected, until the 19 th of January 2024, on all aspects of these three main topics: LUBRICANTS AND LUBRICATION MANAGEMENT TRIBOLOGY MAINTENANCE 4.0 AND CONDITION MONITORING For further information visit