UEIL Annual Congress 2013

UEIL Congress Overview

The Independent Union of the European Lubricant Industry, UEIL, is the umbrella association of the Independent European Lubricants Industry, representing its members and, in particular, the interests of SMEs and independent lubricant companies. To date, the UEIL represents more than 400 lubricant companies, who manufacture and distribute lubricant products under their own various trademarks throughout the European Union. With members in more than 20 European Countries and a unique collective experience of lubricants and the lubricants market, UEIL is the sole representative body for independent manufacturers of lubricants in Europe, represents the whole sector on key issues, and has been recognised as such by the Europe-an Commission.

For the last 50 years, UEIL has held its yearly Annual Congress in October, offering a unique opportunity to players in the European and global Lubricants industry to meet and network, strengthen their relationships, and learn more about the latest developments from a technological, economic, marketing and regulatory perspective. The UEIL 2013 Annual Congress has the added relevance of happening during the 50th anniversary of the organization.

The +/- 250 Delegates, decision makers in the sector, traditionally come from over 20 countries, including participants from Europe, the US, Asia and Africa, and represent various sectors within the Lubricants industry, and in particular:

• Base oil and lubricants producers;
• Additive companies;
• Technology services companies;
• Lubricants blenders;
• Regulators.

Here below, you will find some data on UEIL’s previous Annual Congresses:

October 2012
Location – Lisbon, Portugal | Participants – 240

October 2011
Location – Dubrovnik, Croatia | Participants – 230

October 2010
Location – Vienna, Austria | Participants – 230

October 2009
Location – Istanbul, Turkey | Participants – 200

October 2008
Location – Warsaw, Poland | Participants – 150

For further information, please contact us (info@ueil.org) or visit our website’s events section: www.ueil.org