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Member-to-Member Sharing: Business Challenges & Portfolio Management during the Covid-19 Pandemic Outbreak

Presented by M. Mukul Hossain, Chief Executive Officer, MJL Bangladesh Limited

M Mukul Hossain

MJL Bangladesh Limited (MJLBL), a leading conglomerate in Bangladesh, blends the Mobil brand of lubricants under license from ExxonMobil and is the authorized sole marketer of Mobil-branded lubricants in Bangladesh.

MJLBL has successfully navigated the challenges of Covid-19 through planning and quick decision-making. In this Member-to-Member Sharing Session, MJLBL CEO M. Mukul Hossain will share how MJLBL addressed the issues of employee security and safety; information; supply chain interruptions; raw material and finished product shortages, logistics challenges, etc.

This event is exclusive for ALIA members only

Registration is open until January 19 at 6:00PM SGT.