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ALIA Annual Meeting 2023

June 12-14, 2023

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


The theme of the 2023 Annual Meeting is “Developing Resilience and Robustness in an Uncertain World”. After navigating the challenges of COVID, the world is again facing a number of Black Swan events like the Russia-Ukraine War, Inflation and U.S.-China tensions, in addition to the energy transition. Each of these events would have been on their own a significant challenge in their own right. The confluence of so many events occurring at the same time is unprecedented.


The Annual Meeting plans to bring together presenters and panelists to present and discuss possible scenarios. This event will provide valuable insights and strategies for navigating the challenges and uncertainties facing the lubricants industry today.


The conference will feature a range of expert speakers and panel discussions on topics including:

  • The current state and future scenarios for the global lubricants market and the challenges and opportunities it presents
  • Strategies for building resilience and robustness in an uncertain business environment
  • Options for managing risks and uncertainties in demand, supply chain and operations


The ALIA Annual Meeting will provide you with valuable insights and practical strategies for navigating the challenges facing your business. It is an opportunity to learn from experts and network with other industry leaders.

Please register using this link to secure your spot.

For inquiries or to submit an abstract, please send an email to [email protected].