Tigo Internationally Recognized As Only MLPE Vendor With Certified Rapid Shutdown Solution For PV Module Manufacturers

UL and NRTL List 14 Module Suppliers with Tigo as NEC 2014 & 2017

LOS GATOS, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#475W–Tigo®, pioneer of the smart modular Flex MLPE platform, today
announced that its portfolio of
Rapid Shutdown System (RSS) partners integrated with Tigo’s TS4 platform
has grown to 14 international module manufacturers and are now listed
with Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and Nationally Recognized Testing
Laboratory (NRTL).

Tigo’s certified listing covers tier 1 partners – including ET Solar,
Hansol Technics, Itek Energy, JA Solar, Lerri Solar, Neo Solar Power,
PureSolar, Seraphim Solar, Silfab Solar, Solartec, Sunpreme, Suntech,
Talesun, and Trina Solar. Tigo’s TS4-L
(Long Strings), TS4-O (Optimization), and TS4-S (Safety)
UHD-Core technology bring the integrated solution to PV modules
to control the voltage within the solar array and de-energize
the solar array in the event of an emergency. Tigo is the only MLPE
vendor in the market that provides PV installers, EPC’s, and system
owners certified compliance with NEC 2014 & 2017 690.12.

“Tigo’s robust partnership portfolio of Smart module manufacturers
provides installers a wide choice of products that are UL- and
NRTL-approved Rapid Shutdown solutions,” says Danny Eizips, VP of
Hardware Engineering at Tigo. “We will focus on expanding these
module-brands to enhance the safety and improve the cost-effectiveness
of integrated smart modules.”

Tigo is now shipping its integrated Rapid Shutdown offering worldwide as
a module solution. For price and delivery call +1.408.402.0802 ext. 1,
email sales@tigoenergy.com,
or visit www.tigoenergy.com.

About Tigo

Tigo is a Silicon Valley company founded in 2007 by a team of
experienced technologists. Combining a unique systems-level approach
with expertise in semi-conductors, power electronics, and solar energy,
the Tigo team developed the first-generation Smart Module Optimizer
technology for the solar industry. Tigo’s vision is to leverage integrated and retrofitted Flex
MLPE and communications technology
to drive the cost of solar electricity down. By partnering
with tier 1
 module and inverter manufacturers in the
industry, Tigo is able to focus on its key innovation with the smartest
TS4 modular platform and leverage the broader ecosystem. Tigo has operations in
the USA, across Europe, Latin America, Japan, China, Australia and the
Middle East. Visit www.tigoenergy.com.


Media Contact for Tigo
Tiffany Douglass, 408-402-0802 x