TEP Customers Can Now Review Daily, Hourly Energy Use on Website, Mobile App
TUCSON, Ariz.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Tucson Electric Power (TEP) is now providing customers with monthly,
daily and hourly electric usage and energy demand information through
the company’s website and mobile app.
Customers can see how much energy they used each hour, day or month
using My Energy Usage, a new feature on tep.com
and the TEP Mobile App. They also can review their usage during on-peak
hours and learn about their peak energy demand, which reflects their
highest hourly energy use. Detailed data is available back to Jan. 1,
2017. Customers can view their usage and demand data from as recently as
the previous day – even before their monthly bill arrives.
“This new service allows customers to learn more about their energy use
habits, helping them make small changes that can have a big impact on
their monthly energy expenses,” said Catherine E. Ries, Vice President
of Customer and Human Resources for TEP.
The opportunity to review usage data before bills arrive is particularly
helpful during the summer, Ries said. “Many customers don’t realize how
much harder their air conditioner is working during hot weather until
their electric bill arrives,” she said. “Now customers can review their
daily energy use and decide to make changes that help them avoid higher
Usage and demand data provided through My Energy Usage also will help
customers choose an appropriate pricing plan. Earlier this year, TEP
began offering four new pricing plans for residential and small
commercial customers: Time-of-Use, Peak Demand, Demand Time-of-Use and
“Customers can review their recent usage during on-peak and off-peak
periods to see if one of our time-of-use plans might work well for
them,” Ries said. “They also can quickly evaluate the impact of any
steps they’ve taken to reduce consumption during on-peak periods.”
Customers on time-of-use plans pay less for energy used during off-peak
hours, which include most of each weekday, on weekends and on major
holidays. Demand plans offer even lower usage rates along with a demand
charge based on the customer’s highest individual hour of usage during
on-peak time periods. More details about TEP’s pricing plans are
available online at tep.com/rates.
To access the data on tep.com,
log in to My Account, scroll over Billing and Payment, and click on “My
Energy Usage.” On the mobile app, which customers can download for free
from Apple’s App Store or Google Play, log in and click the “Usage” tile.
TEP provides safe, reliable electric service to nearly 420,000 customers
in Southern Arizona. The company, founded in 1892, is commemorating its
125th anniversary this year through various community service
initiatives. For more information, visit tep.com.
TEP and its parent company, UNS Energy, are subsidiaries of Fortis Inc.,
which owns utilities that serve more than 3 million customers across
Canada and in the United States and the Caribbean. To learn more, visit fortisinc.com.
Tucson Electric Power
Joe Salkowski, 520-884-3625