TeamBest Companies Have Been Making Significant Investments in Cyclotrons and Synchrotrons for Research, Radioisotope Production, and Cancer Therapy

OTTAWA, Ontario & SPRINGFIELD, Va.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#15MeV–Best Theratronics Ltd. in Ottawa, Ontario along with Best Cyclotron
Systems Inc. in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and Best Medical
International Inc. in Springfield, Virginia, USA have been designing and
developing a range of advanced proton and multi-particle (alpha,
deuterons, and protons) cyclotrons, ranging from 15 MeV to 70 MeV. These
include 15 MeV, 20 MeV upgradeable to 25 MeV, 25 MeV, 28 MeV upgradeable
to 35 MeV, 35 MeV, and 70 MeV.

A 70 MeV Cyclotron was sold, installed, and commissioned at the Italian
National Laboratory of Legnaro INFN-LNL last year. Best Cyclotron
Systems also recently won an international tender for another 70 MeV
Cyclotron for the South Korean National Laboratory, the Institute for
Basic Science (IBS).

Currently, Best Cyclotron Systems and Best Theratronics are building
seven 15 MeV cyclotrons, one 35 MeV, and one 70 MeV cyclotron for

In addition, Best Medical International is currently designing and
developing the first 400 MeV Rapid Cycling Medical Synchrotron
for particle therapy with heavy ions (iRCMS), from Protons to Carbon
ions for the most effective and accurate cancer treatment.

Best Cyclotron Systems and TeamBest companies will be exhibiting at the
upcoming SNMMI 2017 Annual Meeting (Society of Nuclear Medicine and
Molecular Imaging) in Denver, Colorado, June 9โ€“14, 2017 at booth #863.

For more details and information, please visit:

Best Theratronics HQ
413 March Road
Ottawa, Ontario
0E4 Canada

Best Cyclotron Systems HQ
8765 Ash St., Unit 7
Vancouver, BC
6T3 Canada

Best Medical International / TeamBest Companies HQ
7643 Fullerton
Springfield, Virginia
22153 USA


TeamBest Companies
Krishnan Suthanthiran
Founder & President
[email protected]