Synthetic Turf Council Highlights New Study Demonstrating Safety of Synthetic Turf Fields with Recycled Rubber Infill
Peer-Reviewed Study Published in Journal Environmental
Research Adds to Large and Growing Body of Research Finding No
Elevated Risk to Public Health from Recycled Rubber Turf Surfaces
WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Synthetic Turf Council (STC), the world's largest organization
representing the synthetic turf industry, today highlighted a recently
published peer-reviewed study in the journal Environmental Research. The
study, a multipathway risk assessment of chemicals found within recycled
rubber infill, found no elevated public health risk from playing on this
material. The full study can be found at this link:
Specifically, the study stated the following:
“This comprehensive, multipathway risk assessment demonstrates that
the use of synthetic turf fields containing recycled rubber infill
would not result in unacceptable risks or hazards to adults or
children under US EPA's risk assessment guidelines.” -
“Estimated non-cancer hazards and cancer risks for all the evaluated
scenarios were within US EPA guidelines. In addition, cancer risk
levels for users of synthetic turf field were comparable to or lower
than those associated with natural soil fields.” -
“This [human health risk assessment’s] results add to the growing body
of literature that suggests recycled rubber infill in synthetic turf
poses negligible risks to human health. This comprehensive assessment
provides data that allow stakeholders to make informed decisions about
installing and using these fields.”
The Environmental Research study evaluated “All available North
American data on the chemical composition of recycled rubber, as well as
air sampling data collected on or near synthetic turf fields…”
Researchers evaluated “Ingestion, dermal contact, and inhalation
pathways…according to US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
guidance…” and considered “exposure scenarios for adults, adolescents,
and children…”
Dan Bond, President and CEO of the Synthetic Turf Council, said, “This
study further illustrates what scientific research has consistently
shown, that playing on synthetic turf fields with recycled rubber infill
poses no greater health risk than natural grass surfaces. This risk
assessment aligns with more than 90 other peer-reviewed academic
studies, third-party reports and federal and state government analyses
that also have not found public health concerns from playing on
synthetic turf fields with this material. In just the past 12 months,
multiple government agencies, including the Washington State Health
Department, Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the
Environment and European Chemical Agency have published reports and
analyses that have come to a similar conclusion and found no reason to
advise people of all ages against playing on synthetic turf fields with
recycled rubber infill.”
More than 11,000 synthetic turf fields are currently in use in the U.S.
Synthetic turf fields carry many benefits, including the promotion of
healthier, more active lifestyles through greater access to playgrounds
and athletic surfaces. Each synthetic turf field saves more than 1.5
million gallons of water per year and eliminates the need for 8,000
pounds of pesticides per year. A synthetic turf field with recycled
rubber diverts 20,000 tires from landfills.
About the Synthetic Turf Council
The Synthetic Turf Council (STC) is the world's largest organization
representing the synthetic turf industry, representing over 200
companies with operations in 9 countries. Founded in 2003, the STC
assists buyers and end users with the selection, use and maintenance of
synthetic turf systems in sports field, golf, municipal parks, airports,
landscape and residential applications. It is a resource for current,
credible, and independent research on the safety and environmental
impact of synthetic turf, as well as technical guidance on the
selection, installation, maintenance, and environmentally responsible
disposal of synthetic turf. Membership includes builders, landscape
architects, testing labs, maintenance providers, manufacturers,
suppliers, installation contractors, infill material suppliers and other
specialty service companies. For more information, visit
Sloane & Company
Roger Sauerhaft / Stephanie
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