State of Euphoria in Indian Natural Gas Market 2017-2030: India Set to Become an LNG Juggernaut and Swing Demand in Global LNG Trade – Research and Markets

Set to Become an LNG Juggernaut and Swing Demand in Global LNG Trade"

report has been added to Research and Markets' offering.

India has been registering a sustained growth in terms of demand for
natural gas and its outlook towards sourcing LNG from global supply
destinations has been promising. The positive sentiments around India as
a promising LNG buyer received a significant push when India (at COP 21,
Paris) committed to reduce its carbon intensity by a third from 0.37 kg
per capita of GDP in 2005. All the same, the government's plan to double
the share of natural gas in India's energy mix – from 6.5% in 2015 to
15% over the medium term goes well with the positive perception of
India's outlook towards developing its gas market.

Indian government is rightly playing the role of a facilitator and has
brought a series of new policies & frameworks in areas related to
generating global interests in domestic Oil & Gas field development (DSF
Bidding, Revenue Sharing Contract Model, HELP) and as well as bringing
clarity on the pricing framework of natural gas in the country (New
Domestic Pricing Guidelines, and Pricing Freedom for gas from
deep-water, ultra-deep water and HPHT) through price notifications and
price ceiling.

India's energy outlook is transforming; Recognition of the versatility
of natural gas in terms of meeting the growing energy needs of the
country, considerations towards reducing massive imported crude oil
dependence pegged at nearly 80%, support towards adoption of clean
energy source and substantiating the domestic natural gas production
volumes with imported LNG for sustainable natural gas market growth will
help the government deal with its growing energy need.

Key Topics Covered:

1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction

3. Relevant authorities and their roles & responsibilities

4. Current State of Play in Natural Gas Sector in India

5. Current & Evolving State of Play in RLNG Terminals in India

6. Affordability indexation

7. Domestic Natural Gas supply outlook: 2020-2025-2030

8. Assessment of Total Demand Universe of Natural Gas in India:

9. Assessment of Total Unmet Demand Universe of Natural Gas in India:

10. Assessment of Total Unmet Demand of Natural Gas (on Pipeline Grid)
in India: 2020-2025-2030

11. Scenarios for Total Unmet LNG Demand Universe (basis RLNG terminal
capacities) in India: 2020-2025-2030

12. Scenarios for Total Balance Unmet LNG Universe (balance of
contracted LNG volumes) in India: 2020-2025-2030

13. Elasticity of Natural Gas Demand on Pipeline Grid relative to
affordability in India: 2020-2025-2030

14. New LNG market creation opportunities

15. Conclusion

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Research and Markets
Laura Wood, Senior Manager
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Topics: LNG
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