Solidia Technologies Can Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Cement and Concrete in California by 7.4 Million Metric Tonnes
Presentation to California Air Resources Board also reveals water
savings of 27 billion gallons
Technologies® Chief Commercial Officer Bo
Boylan joined environmental leaders at a meeting of The
California Air Resources Board (CARB) to discuss the impact of
Solidia’s ecofriendly cement and concrete systems on California,
including a 30% reduction in carbon emissions in the production of
cement. Coupled with the capture of another 240 kg of carbon dioxide (CO2)
during cement curing, Solidia’s processes can reduce the carbon
footprint of cement and concrete in the state by 70%.
“In California alone, our technologies would result in a reduction of
more than four million metric tonnes of carbon emissions at cement
kilns,” said Dr. Boylan. “By curing concrete with CO2 instead
of water, we can also safely and permanently sequester 3.4 metric tonnes
of CO2 in concrete products and save Californians 27 billion
gallons of water each year.”
Additional environmental benefits that would be accrued at California
cement plants include a 50% reduction of emissions of nitrogen oxide
(5,000 metric tonnes), a 30% reduction in mercury emissions (110 kg),
and a 30% reduction in energy consumption (13,000,000 gigajoules).
Each ton of cement produces ~1 ton of CO2, making cement
production the second largest industrial CO2 polluter,
representing 5-7% of the world’s total CO2 emissions.
California’s nine cement kilns emit 13.53 metric tonnes of CO2
each year.
CARB describes its Green Building effort as encouraging design that
accomplishes several environmental goals, including lowering GHG
emissions: “Because buildings represent one of the largest sources of
GHG emissions in California, the Green Buildings effort affords numerous
ways to address environmental goals while lowering GHG emissions. Green
buildings offer a cost-effective way to limit the use of energy, water
and waste in residential and commercial buildings.”
Easy to adopt anywhere in the world, Solidia’s systems produce a
sustainable cement and cure concrete with CO2 instead of
water, while utilizing manufacturers’ existing infrastructure, raw
materials, formulations, production methods and specifications.
Stronger, more durable and higher performing than traditional concrete,
Solidia Concrete™ products cost less to produce, reduce water and energy
use, and cure in less than 24 hours.
"We applaud CARB for its commitment to environmental design through its
Green Building effort,” explained Dr. Boylan. “That innovative mindset
is a primary incentive for us to target California, which makes up the
sixth largest economy in the world and is the second largest producer
and consumer of cement in the country. Our technology has the potential
to make a huge impact both environmentally and as an engine for economic
growth as we give cement and concrete manufacturers a massive
competitive edge.”
YUI+Company, Inc.
Ellen Yui
o: 301-270-8571