SCE Asks State Regulator to Affirm San Onofre Nuclear Plant Settlement

ROSEMEAD, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Southern California Edison today notified the California Public
Utilities Commission that the parties in the San Onofre nuclear plant
closure settlement were unable to reach agreement on possible changes to
the settlement unanimously approved by the CPUC in 2014.

SCE urged
the commission
to affirm the existing settlement of issues related
to the premature retirement of San Onofre in 2013 and bring closure to
this protracted proceeding.

The settlement is appropriate and should stand,” said SCE President Ron
Nichols. “It ensured our customers do not pay for the faulty steam
generators from the time they failed and the plant was no longer
providing power.” The settlement also significantly reduced the portion
SCE customers are paying in their monthly bills for past investments to
build and maintain San Onofre over the 30 years the plant provided safe,
reliable and low-cost power.

Based on our new economic analysis, customers are paying about $760
million less in their bills than they would have if San Onofre continued
to operate through the end of its license in 2022,” Nichols added. He
said the analysis reflects the dramatic and sustained drop in energy
market prices the past four years that has affected the economics
of many U.S. nuclear reactors.

SCE’s filing today was in response to an order last December by a
commissioner and commission administrative law judge that the settlement
parties and other parties to the San Onofre proceeding meet and consider
changes to the agreement. The parties met three times directly and then
four times with a mediator, and additionally talked by phone multiple
times, but were unable to agree on changes to the settlement that
allocated San Onofre closure costs between utility investors and

SCE and plant co-owner, San Diego Gas & Electric, have already returned
more than $2 billion to customers under the 2014 settlement.

SCE retired San Onofre in June 2013 after a contractor provided faulty
steam generators. SCE is focused on safely decommissioning the nuclear
plant, guided by core principles of safety, stewardship and engagement.
SCE has established a Community Engagement Panel to support those
principles. For more information, visit

About Southern California Edison

An Edison International (NYSE:EIX) company, Southern California Edison
is one of the nation’s largest electric utilities, serving a population
of approximately 15 million via 5 million customer accounts in a
50,000-square-mile service area within Central, Coastal and Southern


Southern California Edison
Maureen Brown, (626) 302-2255
Sam Ramraj, (626) 302-2540