Save Our Water Launches Statewide Public Education Campaign

Campaign Encourages Conservation “Rain or Shine”

Our Water
, California’s official statewide water conservation
education program, kicks off a new campaign to promote continued water
conservation this spring. The campaign encourages conservation as a way
of life for Californians – “It’s our thing” – and encourages
Californians to conserve “rain or shine” with simple daily habits and
easy permanent changes everyone can make both inside and outside of the

Save Our Water’s spring campaign launches this month with outdoor,
digital, and social media elements that will run through the end of
June. Weather and traffic sponsorships and thirty-second broadcast ads
start airing on radio stations over the next several weeks. The campaign
features content is in English and Spanish across the state, with some
localized efforts in Mandarin, Cantonese, and Vietnamese.

“Save Our Water’s campaign will remind millions of Californians of the
importance of water conservation this spring with creative tips and
permanent ways to conserve around their homes,” said Tim Quinn,
Executive Director of the Association of California Water Agencies. “The
program also remains a tremendous resource for California’s public water
agencies by offering turnkey tools, materials, and conservation
campaigns that help spread the word that conservation still matters.”

Save Our Water has partnered with the Metropolitan Water District of
Southern California, the City of Sacramento, and Mesa Water District on
extensive campaigns to expand conservation messaging in their service
areas. Campaign elements include radio, outdoor, digital, social media,
movie theater ads, and TV sponsorships. The partnership campaigns
feature Save Our Water’s “Rain or Shine” messaging and highlight local
conservation efforts and rebates. These partnerships will also run
through the end of June.

All campaign elements also are available to water agencies and partners
across the state for local use. Materials from the “Rain or Shine”
campaign and previous public education efforts are available for
download at

“Maintaining long-term water supply reliability requires the help of
every Californian. This fun campaign demonstrates that it’s easy to
embrace water conservation, rain or shine, and that there is a uniquely
California cool factor in doing so,” said Niki Woodard, California
Department of Water Resources Deputy Assistant Director of Public

Save Our Water’s goal is to give Californians tools and tips to help
everyone easily conserve at home and at work, every day. Save Our Water
connects with Californians on its Facebook
page, Twitter
and Instagram

Save Our Water is a statewide program aimed at helping Californians
make permanent changes to reduce their everyday water use. Save Our
Water is a partnership between the Association
of California Water Agencies
and the California
Department of Water Resources


Association of California Water Agencies/Save Our Water
Persike, (916) 296-3981
of Water Resources
Niki Woodard, (916) 653-4161