Rapaport Press Release: Rapaport Melee Diamond Index Stable at 108.50 in 2Q 2017

NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Rapaport Melee Index (RMI™) for small diamonds was stable at 108.50
during the second quarter of 2017. Year over year the index is down 1.9%
from its level of 110.64 in June 2016.

Polished diamond trading remained cautious in June as dealers returning
from the JCK Las Vegas show were disappointed by the level of activity.
Visitor traffic was down and buyers were less interested in sourcing
their goods at trade shows. Overall, there is a continued shift toward
goods at lower price points. Inventory is building up with continuous
manufacturing even though polished prices softened in the first half of
the year. Rough demand remains strong and profit margins tight.

It is expected that midstream profitability will continue to be
challenged in the third quarter and polished trading will remain slow
during the summer vacation period. Business should pick up again as we
approach the fourth quarter.

“U.S. demand remained steady and the Far East witnessed a mild recovery
in 2Q 2017. Miners reduced production in an effort to not oversupply the
market, driving higher prices and robust trade on the rough market.
While the manufacturing sector has been relatively profitable, higher
rough prices combined with softening polished prices in select
categories is increasing pressure on manufacturers’ margins,” said Ezi
Rapaport, Director of Global Trading, Rapaport Group

To participate in Rapaport Auctions, companies are invited to visit: www.rapaportauctions.com
or contact Auction Support via email: auctions@rapaport.com
or call their local Rapaport office.

The Rapaport Group operates in compliance with the U.S. Patriot Act and
OFAC regulations.

About Rapaport Auctions: Rapaport Auctions is the largest
recycler of diamonds in the world, driving market liquidity and
assisting suppliers to achieve fair market value for their diamonds on a
consistent basis. The large quantities and wide variety of merchandise
offered attract competitive bids from a broad range of international
buyers. Rapaport Auctions is committed to addressing the needs of the
international diamond community for enhanced liquidity while presenting
unprecedented buying opportunities.


Rapaport Media Contacts:
U.S.: Sherri Hendricks, +1-702-893-9400
Gabriella Laster, +1-718-521-4976
Mumbai: Manisha Mehta,