Plumbing Manufacturers International Underscores Importance of Key Drinking Water Issues with EPA’s New Office of Water Head

Manufacturers International
(PMI) congratulated David Ross on his
appointment as the EPA assistant administrator in charge of the agency’s
Office of Water, and underscored the critical importance of continuing
EPA programs that assure drinking water safety and help to conserve
water through the use of water-efficient plumbing products.

“PMI looks forward to working with Mr. Ross and his team on many
important issues, including the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act,
maintaining the EPA’s WaterSense program, updating the Lead and Copper
Rule, and investing in our nation’s drinking water infrastructure,”
stated PMI CEO/Executive Director Kerry Stackpole.

Stackpole said he hopes to meet with Ross in the near future while
noting that several PMI member companies have already extended
invitations to the assistant administrator to tour their facilities.
“Our industry’s ongoing technology research and development saves water,
assures safe plumbing and creates jobs. We’d like Mr. Ross to see
first-hand the production of innovative, highly engineered plumbing
products that encourage the voluntary reduction of water consumption by
consumers and businesses,” he emphasized.

Beyond encouraging Congress and the EPA to fund the WaterSense program
in this year’s budget, PMI is also urging Congress and the Trump
Administration to authorize the EPA’s WaterSense program, thereby giving
it a direct annual congressional appropriation.

The Senate Interior/EPA Appropriations Subcommittee and the House
Interior Appropriations Subcommittee have included report language
rejecting the proposed elimination of the program in the fiscal year
2018 (FY18) budget. Three bills have been introduced that include
language providing WaterSense authorization: the Water Efficiency
Improvement Act of 2017 (S. 1700), the Clean, Safe, Reliable Water
Infrastructure Act (S. 1137) and the Water Advanced Technologies for
Efficient Resource Use Act of 2017 (H.R. 3248).

PMI is the nation’s leading trade association for plumbing product
manufacturers. Its members produce 90 percent of the plumbing products
sold in the United States and employ thousands of workers in over 70
locations in 25 states. PMI member companies’ plumbing products are
found in the majority of homes, commercial buildings, schools,
restaurants, manufacturing facilities, hospitals, and hotels across the
nation. Examples of these products include, but are not limited to
kitchen and bathroom faucets, showerheads, toilets, urinals, fixture
fittings, sinks, whirlpools/tubs, and waste disposal systems.

About Plumbing Manufacturers International

Plumbing Manufacturers International is the voluntary, not-for-profit
international industry association of manufacturers of plumbing
products, serving as the Voice of the Plumbing Industry. Member
companies produce 90 percent of the nation’s plumbing products. As part
of its mission, PMI advocates for plumbing product performance and
innovation contributing to water savings, sustainability, public health
and safety, and consumer satisfaction. For more information on PMI or
its conferences, contact the organization at 1921 Rohlwing Road, Unit G,
Rolling Meadows, IL, 60008; tel.: 847-481-5500; fax: 847-481-5501.


Media Contact
Plumbing Manufacturers International
Valek, 708-352-8695
[email protected]